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Access To MSSQL Publisher
Convert your Access database to a MSSQL database or dumpfile
Publisher: Bullzip.com
Website: http://www.bullzip.com
About Publisher: Bullzip.com
Bullzip.com develops: PDF Printer : Installs a printer that creates PDF files
; Access To MSSQL : Transfer tables from Access to MSSQL
; Access To MySQL : Transfer tables from Access to MySQL
; Bullzip PDF Printer : Installs a printer that creates PDF files
; Patch Parent Paths : Patch Parent Paths in ASP applications on IIS
All Products from Bullzip.com
Access To MSSQL
Access to MSSQL is a small program that will convert Microsoft Access Databases to MSSQL. Access to MySQL is a small program that will convert Microsoft Access Databases to MySQL. Wizard interface.
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Bullzip PDF Printer
The Bullzip PDF Printer works as a Microsoft Windows printer and allows you to write PDF documents from virtually any Microsoft Windows application. Bullzip PDF Printer does not contain any advertising or popups (Really!).
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Patch Parent Paths
Patch include directives with Parent Paths in ASP applications on IIS. Include directives with reference to a parent path are changed to virtual includes. This enabels ASP applications to run without the Enable Parent Paths option in IIS.
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Express Menu
Express Menu is a supplement to the Windows Start Menu. Often the start menu is getting bigger and slower as you install additional programs such as this one :) Express Menu lets you have a second menu that is quick and easy to display and navigate.
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Access To MySQL
Access to MySQL is a program that will convert Microsoft Access Databases to MySQL -> Transfer data to a server -> Create a dump file -> Transfer indexes, records, default values, auto number field types -> Command line interface.
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MD5 Calculator
The MD5 Calculator is a program that will enable you to right click any file and select "MD5 Calculator" from the context menu. This will calculate the MD5 value of the selected file. You can compare the calculated value with another value.
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Without any programming skills you can create web access to your database. You can build forms and display graphs with very little effort. The Dataceptor can pull information from almost any ODBC compliant database and show the data on the web.
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PDF Printer
The Bullzip PDF Printer works as a Microsoft Windows printer and allows you to write PDF documents from virtually any Microsoft Windows application. It does not contain any advertising or popups (Really!).supported: BMP, JPEG, PCX, PDF, PNG, and TIFF
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Copy File Name
Copy File Name is a program that will enable you to right click any file and select "Copy File Name" from the context menu. This will copy the name to the clipboard. Select from a list of different representations of the file name.
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