Depend On
Depend On Extreme Edition is a powerful yet simply utility which comes in very handy for programmers that are looking to include all the dependency files their applications uses, making it ready for public release.
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Customer Backup
When it comes to small and medium sized businesses, that are seeking a versatile, powerful and yet easy method to start and maintain a Customer Database nothing comes closer to Customer Backup!
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Info Bag Pro
Info Bag Pro is a neat and simple application that reads low-level hardware information such as CPU Speeds, Installed RAM, Graphic Card Capabilities, Network Performance, Download Speeds, Connected Printers, Disk Temperatures and many others.
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Peacock Color Picker
Peacock Color Picker is an advanced color picker which can get any color from any screen. Designed mainly for programs, web designers and graphic designers Peacock Color Picker supports extensive features such as Zoom and Picture Loading.
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Platinum Guard
You can stop this now by using Platinum Guard. Platinum Guard is a powerful tool to help clear all your tracks while recovering additional free space for your hardisk by removing unwanted temporary files.
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Sleep Moon Xpress
Sleep Moon Xpress is a very powerful and Feature-Packed Automation Tool that will take automation to the next level. It is packed with options features such as Alarms, Logoff, Shutdown, Automatic Executions and Atomic Time Synchronization.
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Fresh RAM
When it comes to optimizing you memory Fresh RAM takes up the challenge! With a highly technological and powerful optimization engine Fresh RAM will boost your system, bring back that memory you have lost during what is called memory leaks.
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Cookie Spook
Cookie Spook is complete solution aimed to remove browsing cookies from your computer. These small Text Files contain information such as account passwords, browsing habits, visited website and some more.
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Internet Cell Boost
It doesn't matter if your connection is fast or slow, Internet Cell Boost will increase its speed. It uses several unique techniques to make sure you spend less time waiting and more time browsing.
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Forget CMD Commands and Start using Reohix RootReg! With this simple yet very useful application you will be able to effortlessly use Registration / Un-Registration actions on DLL, OCX, TLB, and OLB Files with a simple mouse click.
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Cube Construct
Cube Construct is a new website build tool for which you do not need to learn any HTML knowledge, web design, graphic design or programming in order to have your own professional website setup in a few minutes.
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Freeze Burn
With a complex binary overwriting algorithm and several other options such as File Renamer and Overwrite Multiplier, Freeze Burn makes sure that destroyed data is never recoverable or readable in any way using any recovering technology.
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Rise Sun
Rise Sun is a complete motion detection software that allows you to turn any Windows compatible webcam into a powerful surveillance tool.
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