DetachPipe for Outlook
Make Microsoft Outlook faster, more stable and easier to backup with DetachPipe - the email attachment processor. DetachPipe detaches email attachments, leaving a clickable hyperlink in place. Use filename placeholders to generate new names
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WordPipe Search Replace
Search and Replace multiple Microsoft Word documents. Change hyperlinks and UNC paths when servers get renamed, update names, addresses and phone numbers, translate with find/replace lists. Automatically handles passwords. Unicode compliant
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TextPipe Lite
TextPipe is the ultimate Webmaster tool for updating text. It handles an unlimited number of files and folders, and is unique in handling files of unlimited size. It performs one or more changes AT THE SAME TIME, and can search for MULTI-LINE text...
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TextPipe Engine
Fast text manipulation and data extraction engine. Fix websites, database data and electronic text with pattern match,convert DOS/Unix end of line characters,ASCII-EBCDIC,add/remove lines/columns,sort,split,join,database extracts,JScript/VBScript
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EasyPattern Engine
EasyPattern Engine COM DLL provides a cool new way to describe text patterns. They're English-like, powerful and easy to understand. Parse a phone number with [optional punctuation, 3 digits, punctuation, 3 digits, punctuation, 4 digits].
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Fast CD replacement with Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP long filename support, history, aliases, fixes your spelling, partial name matching. A must have for Windows 95 long filenames. Does NOT require index files.
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Time Zone Helper
See an emails time zone and current time with just one click, and generate a time zone chart with one more click! Do not wake your boss at 3am! A time zone software which sets up different time zones for the people you talk to across the world.
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Arc Menu
Arc is a full-featured menu system that can be used to run all of your favorite programs. It looks very slick, uses no memory and is network-compatible. It runs under DOS, Windows 3.x, 95 and NT, and supports long filenames.
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TextPipe Standard
Fast text manipulation and data extraction. Fix websites, database data and electronic text with pattern match, convert DOS/Unix end of line characters, restrict changes to line/column ranges, add/remove lines/columns, sort, split and join files
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Clean `n` Go
Ever noticed how you always have your computer turned on when you realise
you need to clean the mouse (or spill a drink on the keyboard and need to
mop it up in a hurry)? And while cleaning the mouse, you inadvertently
screw up running programs?
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ExcelPipe Search and Replace
Search and Replace multiple Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Change hyperlinks and UNC paths when servers get renamed, update names, addresses and phone numbers, translate with find/replace lists. Automatically handles passwords. Unicode compliant
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Disables the keyboard, leaving the mouse active. An exit phrase must be entered before the keyboard is reactivated. Can be used to secure dedicated servers, or to show a DVD to a small child without them destroying your computer!
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Continuously monitor a folders for any new files, then trigger a custom action, such as running a second program with the new files. Files can be inserted on the command line or saved to a list file. Files are processed only when fully written
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Search and Replace multiple Microsoft Word documents. Change hyperlinks and UNC paths when servers get renamed, update names, addresses and phone numbers, translate with find/replace lists. Automatically handles passwords. Unicode compliant
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Converts emails to numbered text files suitable for further processing. Attaches to MAPI clients including MS Outlook or Lotus Notes. Processed emails can be moved or deleted, and can be retrieved frrm any folder. Can control where output text files
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TextPipe Pro
Fast text manipulation and data extraction. Update websites, database data and electronic text with pattern matching,convert DOS/Unix end of line characters, ASCII-EBCDIC,OEM-ANSI,add/remove lines/columns, sort,split, join, database extracts,VBScript
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PowerPointPipe Search and Replace
Search and Replace multiple Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Change hyperlinks and UNC paths when servers get renamed, update names, addresses and phone numbers, translate with find/replace lists. Automatically handles passwords. Unicode compliant
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Modify file or folder create/modify/access dates from the command line. It can change dates using either a reference file or a series of YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MIN, SEC, MSEC commands. Handles read-only files
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EasyPattern Helper
Design perl patterns using point and click! Just highlight the variable text and the text to capture, and EPHelper does the rest! EasyPatterns are a cool new way to describe text patterns. They're English-like, powerful and easy to understand.
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Pattern Buddy
Makes it easy for developers AND beginners to design and test patterns. Patterns written with perl regular expressions, egrep regex, MS Word or Brief pattern matching languages can be designed and tested with syntax highlighting and a s
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Convert emailed resumes and their attachments to numbered text files suitable for importing into packages such as ResTrac. CVs can be cleansed using a TextPipe filter to remove blank lines and garbage characters, word wrap, fix punctuation and more!
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Command line tool that can easily be automated to generate nightly reports of disk space usage, network space hogs and very large folder trees. Reports can be sorted and small folders can be prevented from being displayed.
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Make Microsoft Outlook faster, more stable and easier to backup with DetachPipe - the email attachment processor. DetachPipe detaches email attachments, leaving a clickable hyperlink in place. Use filename placeholders to generate new names
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Advanced interactive search replace directly in database tables with patterns, fuzzy and sounds-like matching,trim leading and trailing blanks and binary characters,correct capitalization,code your own transform in VBScript or JScript and heaps more
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Email Abuse Analysis Solution for ISPs. Identifies the originating source of email abuse complaints extremely quickly, and allows you to immediately contact the originating customer and take appropriate action.
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Get cash from your own software download site. Start running your OWN download site in a matter of hours! Promote your ISP, your software, or simply use it as a revenue raising tool! Content updated hourly, no intervention required
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Disables the mouse AND keyboard so that inadvertent keystrokes, mouse clicks/movements by babies, children or pets won't destroy your unsaved 100 page masterpiece. A must have!
Use Ctrl+Alt+S to invoke it in an emergency.
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