To cope with different source and target paths, as well as different ways of resizing, the application needed a user interface.Working on the application and its (simple,yet effective) user interface,generalizing the use of the application is evident
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LuJoSoft CdRipper
LuJoSoft CdRipper is using a sound library called BASS. This is a sound library that provides you with various static functions for playing, creating, streaming and recording sound. It has support for WAV/MP3/MP2/MP1/OGG sound formats.
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LuJoSoft Rename-All
LuJoSoft Rename-All is program that can help you with the tedious task of renaming large numbers of files. it's absoutly Free! No catch, no nag screen or cripple function.You can use prefix or suffix.You can remove all existing numbers.
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LuJoSoft Lmdb
LuJoSoft Lmdb is the ultimate movie database designed to organize your movies collection for easy reference. You can catalog your personal movies collection of DVDs, Blue Ray, VHS tapes and much more.All movie details are downloaded via the Internet
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LuJoSoft DeskLock
LuJoSoft DeskLock is an easy in use and compact tool for quick computer locking when you leave it unattended. It shows a lock screen, disables any user from accessing your pc. You can lock your PC by double clicking on DesktopLock.exe.
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LuJoSoft NoteOrganizer
Every day I was searching for memo that I written in notepad or any other kind of file info that I had on my hard drive, so I created this little application that you can store your memo, .txt, .nfo or info file, that I just need to copy.
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Do you need to keep some of your files unreadable to others? Do you want to be sure that when you leave your workplace your files are secure? SecureFiles is a tool that enables you to encrypt your private files so that no one else can read them.
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MD5 Hash Viewer
The MD5 Hash Viewer also known as checksum for a file is a 128-bit value, something like a fingerprint of the file. There is a very small possibility of getting two identical hashes of two different files.
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LuJoSoft PhotoCropping
Printing standard-size digital photos (like 4" x 6" and 5" x 7") to fit into frames or photo albums requires some photo resizing. That's because most photo frames are sized for traditional 35mm images, whereas the size of a digital photo is squarer.
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LuJoSoft EasyConvertTo HD
<b>LuJoSoft EasyConvertTo HD</b> convert many image format to the new HD Photo file format from Microsoft is available in Windows Vista and 7 and included in .NET Framework 3.0. It as better quality than JPEG at (most of the time) half the file size.
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LuJoSoft Movie Nfo Creator
Movie Nfo Creator is a special tool to create ready to use template for description in forum or torrent site. With Movie Nfo Creator you will save time creating your description because it will do it all for you without having to enter any text or th
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LuJoSoft TakeOwnership
Windows 7 has implemented addition security mechanism to prevent accidental or intentional file or folder modification by not allowing users other then owner of file or folder to access it.
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LuJoSoft MP3Renamer
LuJoSoft MP3Renamer lets you browse to a specified directory, and rename any MP3s you want there to match their ID3 tags. It does error checking for invalid characters in the filenames, duplicate filenames, and MP3s where the entire tag is missing.
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LuJoSoft Watermark Utility
The resulting application shall permit the user to open any supported image file format into a scrollable panel, to define the text to be applied as a watermark "with a default template supplied", to set the font and color of the watermark.
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PassGenOrganizer software will help you create strongh password and save them in a database along with the username and the link. Then when needed just open the application and copy the password to your browser.
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<b>FolderLook</b> is a simple application that can be used for assigning an icon to a folder that displays in Windows Explorer and the desktop.Use any icons from your favorite icons, Dll containing icon or exe file that contain icon.
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LuJoSoft FileShredder
FileShredder is a simple application that can be used for deleting unwanted files on your hardrive. We all know that windows don't realy deletes files on you drive and with software like Ontrack EasyRecovery,PC Inspector File Recovery and GetDataBack
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If you are not in the middle of doing work, which is probably not going to be the case considering the update always occurs in the middle of the work day for me, then you'll probably click on Cancel or Restart Later.
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LuJoSoft Music Description Maker
LuJoSoft Music Description Maker is a special tool to create ready to use template for description in forum or torrent site. With LuJoSoft Music Description Maker you will save time creating your description because it will do it all for you without
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LuJoSoft MouseClicker
<b>LuJoSoft MouseClicker</b> is a simple program that clicks your mouse automatically anywhere on the screen at variable interval. MouseClicker can be used to make repetitive clicking easy, but should not be used to cheat in online-games.
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