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Paradox Doctor Publisher
Verifies and repairs and compacts Paradox Databases (*.db)
Publisher: GPSur Dr. Erhard Regener
Website: http://www.DrRegener.com
About Publisher: GPSur Dr. Erhard Regener
GPSur Dr. Erhard Regener develops: GPS for Google Earth : Converts the free Google-Earth-Version to GPS
; Paradox Doctor : Repaires damaged Paradox Databases (*.db)
All Products from GPSur Dr. Erhard Regener
Paradox Doctor
Verifies and repairs Paradox Databases (*.db), e.g. Homebanking. A Database may be damaged rapidly by a Crash. This Maintance Program repairs table errors in most cases. So it avoids data loss, data backup or reinstalling of the whole program.
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GPS for Google Earth
Converts the free Google Earth version into a GPS Navigation for Laptop or Netbook. Each tour is automatically recorded. In addition one may play animations of formerly recorded GPS logs. Also by night and fog, on road, water and in the air.
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