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SQLPro Publisher
SQLPro is a database management and development tool for multiple databases.
Publisher: Vive Corp.
Website: http://www.vive.net/
About Publisher: Vive Corp.
Vive Corp. develops: SQLPro : Edit SQL, query, navigate, manage databases.
; Image2db : upload large binary and text data to the db.
All Products from Vive Corp.
SQLPro is a visual database management and development tool for multiple databases. SQLPro has integrated SQL editor with many useful SQL editing features. Supports Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access and SQLite.
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Image2db is a utility for uploading large binary and text data to the database. It allows you to insert any number of files into the database. Image2db supports Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, MySql and Sqlite databases.
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