DB2ToAccess - Export DB2 data to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4 Wizard, Step by step.
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OraLoader Save Your Oracle Importing/Exporting work. OraLoader is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database developers import/export Oracle databases to or from flat files and Excel files.You will finally have the power to move data smoothly
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AccessToMsSql - Import Access to Sql Server. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
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MsSqlToAccess is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert MS SQL Server data to Access. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Converst from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.
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XlsToDB2 is a tool to import Excel data to DB2. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into a DB2 table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support BLOB,CLOB type. 4 Support Unicode. 5 Wizard - step by step.
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OracleToAccess - Export Oracle data to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Convert from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Wizard, Step by step.
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XlsToMy is a tool to import Excel data to Mysql. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into a Mysql table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support text,blob type. 4 Support Unicode. 5 Wizard - step by step.
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TxtToSql - Import Csv (Txt) to Sql Server easy and quickly. Main features: 1 Import text (csv) file data into Sql Server Table. 2 Run SQL command, see importing results. 3 Support export text(ntext) and image field. 4 Support Unicode.
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MyLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit Mysql LOB (text, blob) data directly and import/export LOB data. Main features: 1. Edit LOB data directly. 2. Batch and automatic import/export LOB data and much more.
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AccessToDB2 - Import Access data to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
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AccessToOracle - Import Access to Oracle easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficien
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TxtToDB2 - Import Csv (Txt) data to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1 Import text (csv) file data into DB2 Table. 2 Run SQL command, see importing results. 3 Support export clob and blob field. 4 Support Unicode.
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MysqlToAccess is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Mysql data to Access. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.
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TxtToMy - Import Csv (Txt) to Mysql easy and quickly. Main features: 1 Import text (csv) file data into Mysql Table. 2 Run SQL command, see importing results. 3 Support export memo and blob field. 4 Support Unicode.
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Tail4Win is used to monitor changes to files and display the changed lines in realtime. It is very usefull for monitoring log files of applications - e.g. Apache's logs or IIS's logs. It can capture and display OutputDebugString / TRACE.
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OraCmd is a command-line tool for Oracle that can run sql command, import/export data, even without Oracle client. OraCmd takes the pain out of manual importing/exporting tasks, and avoids installing the Oracle client.
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XlsToSql is a tool to import Excel data to Sql Server. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into a Sql Server table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support Unicode. 4 Support text, ntext, image type. 5 Wizard - step by step.
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XlsToMdb is a tool to import Excel data to Access. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into an Access table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support Unicode. 4 Wizard - step by step. 5 Support Excel 2007 and Access 2007.
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XlsToOra is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer import Excel data to Oracle. Main features: Easy visually config. Saving/loading session parameters. Displaying Progress, time estimation. Import preview. Unicode support.
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CsvToAccess is a tool to import Csv(Txt) data to Access database. Main features: 1. Read data from Csv(Txt) file into a Access Table. 2. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient. 3. Support Unicode.
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