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WordReport Publisher
WordReport is a report generator for Microsoft Word
Publisher: LJZsoft
Website: http://www.ljzsoft.com
About Publisher: LJZsoft
LJZsoft develops: WordReport : Report generator for Microsoft Word
; PTReportGen : Report generator for Microsoft PowerPoint
; ExcelReport : Report generator for Microsoft Excel
; XLCalendar : Calendar generator for Microsoft Excel
All Products from LJZsoft
XLCalendar is a calendar generator for Microsoft Excel that outputs calendars in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. Using XLCalendar, you can easily make various kinds of perpetual calendars, and custom calendars as you like.
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ExcelReport is a report generator for Microsoft Excel that outputs reports in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. If you know how to use Microsoft Excel and write SQL statements, you can use ExcelReport to create all kinds of reports as you need.
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PTReportGen is a report generator for Microsoft PowerPoint that outputs reports in Microsoft PowerPoint format. If you know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint and write SQL statements, you can use PTReportGen to create all kinds of reports as you need.
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WordReport is a report generator for Microsoft Word that outputs reports in Microsoft Word document format.
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