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BOINC Monitor Publisher
BOINC Monitor shows BOINC tasks progress. Resizable! Save settings to file
Publisher: Bushin SOFTWARE
Website: http://www.myfavoritegadgets.info/index.html
About Publisher: Bushin SOFTWARE
Bushin SOFTWARE develops: BOINC Monitor : BOINC Monitor shows BOINC tasks progress
; Ping Monitor : Ping a server and viewing the ping results
; Top Process Monitor : Distlays top 20 processes on your system.
; World Population Monitor : Tell the real-time population of the Eart.
; GPU Monitor : Monitor the most recent stats of you GPU
All Products from Bushin SOFTWARE
Top Process Monitor
Top Process Monitor is simple Sidebar gadget shows the top processes on your system - the processes that are consuming the most CPU, Memory (Working Set), IO (Bytes read/written) and others. It does not require any 3rd party applications. Resizable!
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GPU Monitor
Lets you monitor the most recent stats of your NVIDIA or AMD/ATI Desktop Graphic Card. GPU Monitor does not require any 3rd party applications. Just the latest full feature driver from your given graphic card vendor is needed.
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Ping Monitor
Ping Monitor is a simple gadget that was designed in order to provide you with a simple means of pinging a server and viewing the ping results in real-time. Ping Monitor pings the servers in intervals specified by the user of the application.
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System Monitor II
System Monitor II will shows you all core CPU usage (1 Core, 2 Core, 3 Core, 4 Core, 6 Core, 8 Core, 12 Core or 16 Core) and RAM (physical, page file and full, includes virtual) usage. It also displays all cores and RAM usage history.
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Binary Clock
This is a clock displays the current time in binary notation. Save settings to file. (File will be created - Path: %APPDATA% Filename: gadgetname_Settings.ini). Color changeable for all gadget's elements, including background.
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Drives Monitor
Drives Monitor utilizes Performance Monitor data to visualize physical or logical disk activity. For each physical/logical disk, % active time and bytes read and written per second is displayed. It does not require any 3rd party applications.
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BOINC Monitor
BOINC Monitor shows BOINC tasks progress. Resizable! Save settings to file. (File will be created - Path: %APPDATA% File: gadgetname_Settings.ini). Color changeable for all gadget's elements, include background.
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Mouse Monitor
Shows statistics on the use of the mouse. This gadget for fun only, but we like it :) It needs a small library installation.
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World Population Monitor
World Population monitor displays population count of the world. The counter updates itself automatically. Data source: www.census.gov
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System Uptime Full Plus
System Uptime Full Plus refers to the time during which a system is working without failure and has had zero downtimes. Over a period of time, a system can end up slowing down or breaking down due to excessive usage.
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