DateTray is designed to show todays date and calendar in your system tray.
By clicking on the date in the system tray it will display a calendar on your screen and allow you to search forwards and backwards to display any date you require.
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The Share Tracker is a software program to track your stock market purchases and sales.
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Ameta combines META TAG reading and writing functionality with powerful manipulation features. Adjust your Meta Tags quickly and easily, saving the results directly back to your HTML pages.
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Info-Pack.com TAB2CSV
TAB to CSV converter. Convert Tab Delimited Files to CSV files.
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IP Overtime Tracker
IP OT Tracker allows you to quickly and easily track your overtime. Use it to record your overtime and generate reports on demand. Never miss out on getting paid for your overtime again.
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Info-Pack.com Color Picker
Info-Pack.com Color Picker is a windows color picker.
Use it to check the color of any pixel on a windows screen.
Copy that value to the clip board with a click of a button
Get the hex, RGB or RGB hex values of any color on your screen
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Golf Score Wizard PRO
Golf Score Wizard is an easy to use score card tracker.
Use it to record your score from each game and use it to track your improvements or problems. Create reports by course or time.
Track your drives, putts and more!
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Info-Pack.com MDB2CSV
MDB to CSV converter. Convert Access Database to CSV files.
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Coin Collection Wizard
Coin Collection Wizard is a personal coin collection database.
Use it to record and track your coin collection as it grows. Keep a list of all of your rare coins and collectable coins in the program and track the value, price and dates.
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LotsaLotto is a powerful random lotto number generator that allows you to generate numbers using a range of options to suit your needs. You can choose the highest and lowest ball to draw, odds or evens, sequences, duplicates and more..........
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The Diet Tracker can help you track the progress of your diet or excercise program.
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IP Wedding Planner
IP Wedding Planner is a personal wedding planner for windows. Use it to record your wedding suppliers, tasks and costs. Monitor your progress with quick reports.
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Atomic Popup Wizard
Atomic Popup Wizard is a powerful and easy to use popup creator for your website. It is the ulitmate way to promote your special offer on your website and ensure everyone has seen it.
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Info-Pack.com CSV2XML
CSV to XML converter. Convert CSV files to XML insert statements.
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Info-Pack.com Miles2Kms
Convert Miles to Kilometers and vice versa
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Stamp Collection Wizard
Stamp Collection Wizard is a personal stamp collection database.
Use it to record your collection and generate reports on value, country or time. Watch your stamp collection as it grows.
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Info-Pack.com CSV2TAB
CSV to TAB converter. Convert CSV files to TAB delimited files.
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Info-Pack.com CSV2SQL
CSV to SQL converter. Convert CSV files to SQL insert statements.
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Little Black Book
Little Black Book is a contact management system that allows you to store all of your fav contacts.
Store all your favorite contacts in this one easy to use contact manager.
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Info-Pack.com Cel2Fah
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa
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IP Wedding Diary
IP Wedding Diary is a personal wedding Diary for windows. Use it to record your thoughts, actions and events leading up to your big day.
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Bmail PRO
BMail is a powerful, easy to use mailing list manager that allows you to run unlimited opt-in emailing lists. Send personally customized messages to your customers, subscribers or friends. BMail PRO sends HTML Emails.
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ALink takes the hard work out of setting up and maintaining your Reciprocal Links. Automatically sending requests for new links, checking for links that have been added, removing bad links and generating your Reciprocal Links Page automatically.
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Shut the Box by info-pack.com
Shut the Box is a traditional dice game recreated in a windows game.
Roll the Dice! The game automatically keeps score!
2 dice are rolled each turn, you can use either value of the dice or the total of the 2 dice added together. Each number i
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IP Electronic Dice
IP Electronic Dice is a personal Electronic Dice for windows. Play games using electronic dice. From 1 to 3 dice. From 1 to 20 sided dice. Ideal for any kind of board game or even Dungeons and Dragons.
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Macros - Help Desk Reply Automation and Macro Software.
Macros allows you to store your commonly typed information and recall it instantly using hotkeys. (EG. F1, F2 etc...)
it is the ultimate time saving tool for your help desk support staff, idea
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AKeeper is an easy to use Personal Password, Username and Serial Database.
Use it to record all your usernames, passwords, urls, serials, registrations and more all in the one easy to use program.
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IP Guest List Manager
IP Wedding Planner is a guest list manager for windows. Use it to record your wedding list. Monitor your progress and RSVPs with quick reports.
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Atomic Watch
Website Downtime = Lost Revenue
Watch your website to ensure you minimize downtime and maximize uptime. If your website is down, search engines may remove your site, partners may remove links to your site, ensure your site is up at all times.
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Step Counter Wizard
Step Counter Software to use with your pedometer
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