Detailed Description of Options Analysis 1.5
Option Analysis analyzes respondent attitudes to the attractiveness of options within a group of options and infers the implications for option preferences shares. This done by examining the character of differences between the distributions of the individuals' option ratings from sample survey data. These differences are described in terms the usual parameters: means, standard deviations, skewness, kurtosis, and inter-correlations. Differences amongst these parameters, in turn, reflect differences in externalities. These differences in distribution can be used to either explain an option's share or to simulate the potential for change or the sensitivity of an option's current position.
Options Analysis will analyze from 2 to 30 options within any single analysis. Option Impacts Analysis is a Microsoft Excel VBA program than can be run as an Add-In or simply by double-clicking on the program and running it within Microsoft Excel.
Options Analysis is about comparing aggregate distributions of desirability, attractiveness or appeal amongst options to determine why they vary or how they might be changed to yield different option selection shares. In other words, it is a macro-level emergent analysis of agentsa€? ratings of each optiona€?s appeal with their consequences for each optiona€?s selection.
Procedures are provided for both distributional analysis and change simulation. Distributional analysis is concerned with the scale of different parameter impacts on choice and option shares. Simulation focuses on the changeability of selection shares as a function of appeal parameter change.
Options Analysis is designed for: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Options Analysis has the following requirements :
MS Excel 97 or later
investment options wm ,
visual options analyzer ,
static frame analysis ,
svara stress analysis programs ,
investment options ,
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investment analysis ,
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