Slices huge files into manageable chunks, and then splices them back together again. Useful for transferring files to other machines via floppy, email or internet, without having to restart the whole job if a single floppy fails.
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A 'must-have' utility for the word-puzzle enthusiast. Stuck for a word to fit -ATT---? Want to make words using the letters L, E, T, T, E, R, and S? Need anagrams? Then Wordplay is for you. Its dictionary contains nearly 237000 words.
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TResourceAllocationChart, like its name suggests, draws a chart suitable for showing the allocation of shared resources. Those resources could represent shared rooms, cars, in fact anything at all.
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One Foundation
One Foundation is a solitaire or patience card game. The object is to move all the playing cards from the top area to the "foundation" at the bottom.
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A humanistic Sudoku solver that explains the logic required to solve the puzzle. Will easily create and quickly solve Sudoku puzzles. It can act as a solving assistant by keeping the pencil marks accurate, but leaving the logic and fun to you.
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Qix! is a simple but addictive game copied from the ancient Digital Equipment VAXs. Easier to play than describe!
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Handy-dandy text file search utility will quickly and easily find those files containing piece(s) of text. It also allows boolean combination (AND/OR/AND NOT.)
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SadMan Software Snake
Snake is an old old game, but it's still great fun to play. And very simple too, just guide the snake to eat the food and avoid crashing. The more food, and the "fresher" the food is, the longer the snake grows. Or play head to head against
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ConvertEasy is a simple to use, but fully configurable, conversion program. At the drag of a slider it can convert between any two scales that have a linear relationship.
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Mandelbrot Explorer
A program that displays the incredible complexity of the Mandelbrot set. Simply click on an area to zoom in to show even greater detail. You can save the image co-ordinates and/or bitmaps. It can also be used as a screen saver.
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Need to change some text that could be in hundreds of text files? Well Xchange can make this easy for you. Just enter the text to find, the text to replace it with, drop in the files you want to work with, and press Go! It's done, easy!
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Fahrenheit to Celsius/Centigrade
Converts between Fahrenheit and Celsius (Centigrade) at the drag of a slider. (And it's free!)
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An invaluable aid for those who work flexitime. Enter the time you arrive at work and the time you depart, and it tells you how long you've worked, and how far short of your daily and/or weekly targets you are. You can also have a flexible lunchtime.
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Fives and Threes
Fives and Threes is a networked dominoes game for up to four players, although it works equally well when played alone. The object being to score points by playing your dominoes so that the open ends of the line add up to multiples of 5 and/or 3.
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Need to change some text that could be in hundreds of text files? Well XchangeCL can make this easy for you. It will find files using wild cards and find and replace multiple strings in each one.
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Snapshot is an easy-to-use tool for recording the contents of the whole screen at regular intervals. It can send these snapshots to a printer, and/or the Windows clipboard, and/or save them to bitmap files.
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