Old Version of CZ Excel Converter
Detailed Description of CZ Excel Converter for MS Excel
CZ Excel Converter for MS Excel is the award-winning, powerful batch document converter that converts between XLS, HTML, XML, MTH, CSV, TEXT, DBF, Lotus 1-2-3, WKS, WQ1, SLK, DIF...
CZ Excel Converter for MS Excel Key Features:
* Source file formats include MS Excel Worksheet(*.XLS), MS Excel Workspaces(*.XLW), MS Excel Templates(*.XLT), MS Excel Add-Ins(*.XLA; *.XLL), MS Excel Toolbars(*.XLB), Text Files(*.TXT; *.CSV; *.PRN), XML Files(*.XML), Web Pages(*.HTM; *.HTML), Web Archives(*.MHT; *.MHTML), MS Access Databases(*.MDB; *.MDE), dBase Files(*.DBF), Query Files(*.IQY; *.DQY; *.OQY; *.RQY), Lotus 1-2-3 Files(*.WK1; *.WK3; *.WK4; *.WK?), Quattro Pro/DOS(*.WQ1), MS Works 2.0 Files(*.WKS), MS Excel 4.0 Macros(*.XLM; *.XLA), MS Excel 4.0 Charts(*.XLC); MS Excel 4.0 Workbooks(*.XLW), SYLK Files(*.slk); Data Interchange Format(*.DIF); Backup Files(*.XLK; *.BAK)
* Destination file formats include MS Excel Workbook(*.XLS), Web Pages(*.HTM; *.HTML), Web Archives(*.MHT; *.MHTML), XML Spreadsheet(*.XML), MS Excel Templates(*.XLT), Text(Tab delimitted)(*.TXT), Unicode Text(*.TXT), MS Excel 5.0/95 Workbook(*.XLS), MS Excel 97-2002 & 5.0/95 Workbook(*.XLS), CSV(Comma delimited)(*.CSV), MS Excel 4.0 Worksheet(*.XLS), MS Excel 3.0 Worksheet(*.XLS), MS Excel 2.1 Worksheet(*.XLS), MS Excel 4.0 Workbook(*.XLW), Lotus 1-2-3 WK4(*.WK4), Lotus 1-2-3 WK3,FM3(*.WK3), Lotus 1-2-3 WK3(*.WK3), Lotus 1-2-3 WK1,FMT(*.WK1), Lotus 1-2-3 WK1,ALL(*.WK1), Lotus 1-2-3 WK1(*.WK1), Lotus 1-2-3 WD1(*.WD1), MS Works(*.WKS), Quattro Pro/DOS(*.WQ1), dBase IV(*.DBF), dBase III(*.DBF), dBase II(*.DBF), Formatted Text(Space Delimted)(*.PRN), Data Interchange Format(*.DIF), SYLK(Symbolic Link)(*.SLK), Ms Excel Add-In(*.XLA)
* supports batch conversion
* supports command line arguments.
* watch source file path and convert new uploading ms excel xls documents automatically.
* can add the files in subfolders to convert.
* supports drag files and folders from your desktop.
CZ Excel Converter is designed for: WinOther,Win98,Win2000,WinXP,WinServer,WinVista
CZ Excel Converter has the following requirements :
Microsoft Word 95 or higher for windows
pdf to excel ,
converter mp3 ,
chm converter ,
mpeg 4 converter ,
pmd converter ,
exe file converter ,
excel database ,
rax converter ,
converter gif