Okdo Png to Swf Converter Advanced Functions:
*Simultaneously convert massive png image format files to flash video once to save your time.
*Adjust the image quality as you need.
*Adjust the created swf video page size.
*Custom to set the image change interval.
*Custom to set the animation play speed.
*Stretch/Shink image to fill SWF screen.
*Support merge the converted images to one swf.
*Zoom image as scale.
*Custom to set the output file name.
*Save List: Save the converted files to a list.
*Load List: Load the saved list files directly to convert.
*You can add the whole folder to convert.
*You can set to open the output folder when conversion finished.
Okdo Png to Swf Converter Related Software
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xls converter ,
ddvideo flash swf to 3gp converter ,
total converter ,
pdf converter tiff png jpg bmp ,
tiff converter ,
swf movie maker ,
bbl converter ,
.swf to gif ,
time converter ,
mod converter
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