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Batch Replacer for MS Word Publisher
Batch Replacer is a multi-string search-and-replace utility for MS Word files.
Publisher: ReplSoft Inc.
Website: http://www.replsoft.com
About Publisher: ReplSoft Inc.
ReplSoft Inc. develops: Batch Replacer for MS Word : Multi-string search-and-replace utility.
; Advanced Replace Tools : Utilities for search and replace.
; Batch Replacer for MS Excel : Multi-string search-and-replace utility.
; Case Converter : Batch text case converter
; Batch Replacer : Multi-string search-and-replace filter.
All Products from ReplSoft Inc.
Batch Replacer for MS Word
This utility allows you to make a multi-replacement operation in MS Word files. Strings for
search and replace can be specified in an Excel document.
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Case Converter
Allow you to convert any words and even file names within content of files to lower or UPPER case. If you want to convert all file names to lower or UPPER case you no need to enter each name. You need enter only extension.
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Batch Replacer
Batch Replacer is a multi-string search-and-replace filter necessary for webmasters, programmers and everybody who is concerned with computers. Both text and binary files can be processed by the program. Many options are available.
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Advanced Replace Tools
For performing text replacing operations in many documents and html files.
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Useful File Utilities
File browser with utilities: Replacer, Renamer, Finder, Batch Replacer, Case converter, Change attributes, Batch Replacer for MS Word, Batch Replacer for MS Excel, Batch Replacer for MS PowerPoint. Add new additional utilities too!
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Batch Replacer for MS Excel
This utility allows you to make a multi-replacement operation in MS Excel files. Strings for
search and replace can be specified in an Excel document.
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