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XYZ Data Viewer Publisher
XYZ Data Viewer is a Excel table to 3D graph converter.
Publisher: 3 fish software
Website: http://3fishsoft.com/
About Publisher: 3 fish software
3 fish software develops: XL Fusion : Merging several worksheets in one.
; CL Fusion : Merging several worksheets in one
; XYZ Data Viewer : A Excel table to 3D graph converter.
All Products from 3 fish software
CL Fusion
CL Fusion is used for merging several electronic worksheets in one automatically. With CL Fusion, you can process large amounts of data without spending much time and efforts.
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XL Fusion
XL Fusion - Merging several MS Excel worksheets in one resulting worksheet.For example, when you have to compare price lists from different suppliers providing the same goods or put together information from several small worksheets in a big one.
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XYZ Data Viewer
XYZ Data Viewer is a Excel table to 3D graph converter. It provide easy way to analyze a variety of tabular data from Microsoft Excel in the view of 3-dimensions graph. With this tool You can view and examine your data as a three-dimensional object.
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embed data ,
data file ,
stp viewer ,
ppm viewer ,
stl viewer ,
dwg viewer ,
data base ,
ltx viewer ,
mail viewer ,
doc viewer ,
database mac