Detailed Description of awContactMgr 1.0
awContactMgr lets you manage personalized information about people. This includes the ability to track the following: -Contact: name, address, email for persons. -Events: Occurrences with a person -Lists: lists based on selections of contacts -Notes: Info about contacts. -Codes: codes for lists The application allows you to edit and browse these. Features include -Searchable view of contacts, -Searchable view of events, -Create list of contacts as XML or CSV, -Multiple contacts for a person, -Drop down selections, -Help files. Requires -Java, -JSP server (eg, tomcat), -JDBC accessable data base manager and connector (eg, mySql), -Eden Systems LLC utilities, -ant for construction.
awContactMgr is designed for: Win2000,Linux
awContactMgr has the following requirements :
Java 1.2, JDBC, Container, EdenSys Jar
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