Detailed Description of SuperNotecard for Scriptwriting 1.0
SuperNotecard uses virtual notecards to help manage scriptwriting projects. Create scenes, add them to decks and keep it straight with categories, references, flags and more. This approach focuses on the basic compositional parts and keeps the structure flexible so that it can be easily rearranged. SuperNotecard offers several ways to view and organize the notecards and makes it easy to find and revisit them. Using a simple color-coding system, SuperNotecard enables writers to link content to plots, categories, characters or references and these relationships can be reviewed from several perspectives. Includes smart script text formatting and exports to your favorite script editing tool.
SuperNotecard for Scriptwriting is designed for: Mac OS X
forex killer ,
cmx format ,
onyx for mac ,
safari for imac ,
player for mac ,
for media player ,
game for mp4 ,
for mp4 games ,
image for dos