...... helps in analyzing profits.
Cafe Cop facilitates a better surfing experience to the users and builds an image for the cyber cafe, thus helping the cyber cafe in getting ahead of the competitors.
Visit the features page to discover the powerful features of Cafe Cop. Else you can take a ride of Cafe Cop through the interactive tour .
Brief list of Cafe Cop features:
* Time Management (Pre-paid & post paid)
* Member Management (Unlimited members & membership schemes)
* System Security (over 50 system security options)
* Internet Explorer Security
* Analyzing Business Performance
* Faster Surfing ( Disabling graphics & downloads)
* Promoting Cyber Cafe
* Remote Client Controlling & monitoring
* Help Request
* Cafeteria Orders
* Bill Generation
* Defining Custom Rates
* Website, keyword Blocking
* Safety Against Power Failure
* Allowing/Disallowing applications or exe's.
* Blocking installations & setups files (Dialer blocking)
* Printer monitoring. ......
Cafe Cop Related Software
Webcafe is capable of solving the problems faced by a Cybercafe owners
Latest generation of cybercafe software with an intuitive interface.
Manage the operations and billing for your cyber cafe.
Professional Standard/Cross Platform Free Internet Cafe Billing Software
Content filter and security system preventing access to the operating system.
Simple, free, set and forget, copy utility. File problems don't stop the copy.
Internet cafe management suite. Plus printout count
A versatile file management tool, using XCOPY compatible command syntax
CopMan - Computerized Personnel Management Software for Law Enforcement!
Provides simple copying and renaming of Microsoft Visual Studio projects
CopyPod allows you to backup your Apple iPod Music to your PC (MP3/AAC).
copy blu-ray ,
nero copy ,
dvd copier ,
text copy ,
copy to dvd ,
copy ipod ,
game copy ,
horoscope map ,
copy dvd gold
Qweas is providing links to Cafe Cop 3.0 as a courtesy,
and makes no representations regarding Cafe Cop or any other applications or
any information related thereto.
Any questions, complaints or claims regarding this application Cafe Cop 3.0
must be directed to the appropriate software vendor.
You may click the publisher link of Cafe Cop on the top of this page to
get more details about the vendor.