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Alerts for Microsoft Excel Publisher
excel,add-in,alert,pop-up,messaging, E-mail, Audio, cell coloring, execute macro
Publisher: Spinnaker Software Solutions
Website: http://www.spinnakeradd-ins.com
About Publisher: Spinnaker Software Solutions
Spinnaker Software Solutions develops: Alerts for Microsoft Excel : Spinnaker Cell Alerts for Microsoft Excel
; Spinnaker DB Tools for Excel 97 etc : Spinnaker List/DB Tools for Excel 97 etc
; Spinnaker Fuel Tax Program : My Fuel Tax Program
All Products from Spinnaker Software Solutions
Alerts for Microsoft Excel
Spinnaker Alerts 2.264 is an Excel Add-in that Alerts you to critical values in your worksheet by means of audio, pop-up messaging, E-mail paging, macro execution, and logging in Microsoft Excel 97 and later. Sample file included for a quick start
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Spinnaker Fuel Tax Program
My Fuel Tax is a program specifically written to ease the painstaking process of preparing your quarterly fuel taxes. It will work for individual owner operators, third party tax preparers and small fleets.
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Spinnaker DB Tools for Excel 97 etc
Spinnaker Tools is an Excel Add-in particularly suited for analyzing and manipulating lists and databases in Excel. Read more about the features on our web page at: http://www.spinnakeradd-ins.com/spinnaker_db_add-ins.htm.
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