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C-Organizer Publisher
elegant PIM which combines tasks, address book, password manager and notebook
Publisher: CSoftLab
Website: http://www.csoftlab.com
About Publisher: CSoftLab
CSoftLab develops: C-Organizer Lite : an elegant personal information manager
; Advanced Diary : Easy to use and powerful electronic journal.
; C-Organizer : an elegant personal information manager
; C-Organizer Pro : an elegant and powerful organizer (PIM)
; Interactive Calendar : Powerful, flexible and free desktop calendar
All Products from CSoftLab
C-Organizer is a personal information manager with elegant design and all the necessary features: it lets you plan your day, set alarms and keep and address book with photos. Also this program includes a password manager and notebook.
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C-Organizer Pro
C-Organizer Professional is a stylish and powerful manager of your personal and business-related information. This application contains Planner, Address Book, Password and Bookmark manager, Notepad, and Calendar of Events.
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Advanced Diary
Advanced Diary is so much more than just a simple diary! The features of this program make it a more than worthy rival to all the journaling programs out there! With rich text, password protection, ability to insert photos, and much, much more!
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