YouChoob is an application that allows you to download videos directly from the YouTube.com website and save them to a location on your system.
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Fragger has been created to test the effectiveness of disk defragmentation applications by creating a very large amount of fragmented files on user-selected drives.
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WoWus (World of Warcraft Updating System) helps you keep up-to-date with the latest add-ons by scanning your add-ons folder and displaying any relevant updates that are required.
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FileSieve 3
FileSieve 3 is an application created to help with the sorting of files and directories. Select the directories you would like to sort, choose a sorting method, and then click on Start and FileSieve will "sieve" the selected items.
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Desktop BBC News
Desktop BBC News is an application that sits on your desktop - or at the front - that shows you the latest BBC headlines.
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Adobe Reader SpeedUp
Adobe Reader SpeedUp is a simple application that was created to help make the loading time of Adobe's Acrobat/Reader software bearable for everyday use. AR SpeedUp only needs to be used once (a process taking only a few seconds).
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Givecraft is an application designed to help Ops in Minecraft give objects & items to players in a much quicker and easier way. It doesn't require having to continually consult large documents to determine which IDs correspond with which objects.
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Profile Relocator
Profile Relocator is a step-based application that allows the re-locating of the Windows Users profile directory. Once re-located, any created profiles will appear in the new location in their entirety.
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The Image Collector
The Image Collector (referred to as TIC) is an application that has been designed to allow the quick viewing, categorisation, and downloading of images from a range of web services.
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Credit Carder
Credit Carder is an application that has been designed to help developers test their credit card validation code. CC generates perfectly valid numbers for ten credit card issuers. As well has generating numbers, it can also validate existing numbers.
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Comical is a comic downloader and viewer that utilises a custom-built framework for the parsing and downloading of comics from websites. The framework uses an open XML format that allows anyone to add support for additional comics.
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Pixelcraft is an application that has been created as a proof-of-concept to help create pixel art for Minecraft servers. It takes an input image and generates a .cuboid file that can be quickly loaded into any Minecraft server that uses Hey0.
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Vista Midi Picker
The Vista MIDI Picker allows the default MIDI output device to be changed within Microsoft Windows Vista. This application exists because this cannot be accomplished within Vista due to Microsoft removing certain MIDI-related features from the OS.
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QuickiJoin is a lightweight application that has been designed to load quickly and join files that have been split as fast as possible, with no defragmentation.
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Wake On LAN Ex 2
Wake On LAN Ex is an application designed to be used with computers that contain network cards which are set to turn on when a "magic packet" is received.
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When Then
When Then is an application that watches for certain events to occur on the system and then react to them, such as a window changing state, a task ending, or even simple things like a certain date or time to elapse.
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QuickiHash is a lightweight application that has been designed to load quickly and display hashes for files in a number of different formats.
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Mass Extract
Mass Extract is a drag and drop extractor that is typically used with many archives; files or directories can be dropped on the main window and ME will intelligently parse the files list to find multi-part and standard archives for extraction.
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