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DaanCalendar Publisher
Small, fast and simple calendar program that will let you insert events
Publisher: DaanSystems
Website: http://www.daansystems.com
About Publisher: DaanSystems
DaanSystems develops: DaanCalendar : Fast and simple eventcalendar
; CoolPlayer : Blazing Fast Audio Player for Win32 Environme
; NewsReactor : Fast and simple usenet binaries collector
; DataGen : Meaningful database filler
; LispIDE : a basic Lisp editor for Windows
All Products from DaanSystems
DaanCalendar is a small, fast and simple program that will let you insert events for each day of a month. Publish the calendar to a webpage and an active reminder are some of it's features.
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Datagen makes it possible to insert meaningful testdata into any database you can connect to with ADO.
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