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dfg StockAlert XP Publisher
Receive an alert (eMail, SMS/ cellular phone) when stock values exceeds a limit
Publisher: d.f.g
Website: http://dfg.eu.com
About Publisher: d.f.g
d.f.g develops: dfg StockAlert XP : Stock alerts by eMail, SMS on cellular phone
; dfg ShutDown XP : Shutdown-time sync. and PC protection utility
; dfg ChessExpert XP : Chess partner for beginners to professionals
; dfg AtomicTimeSync XP : Atomic Time Synchronization Utility
; dfg BackUp XP : the best backup program for files and folders
All Products from d.f.g
dfg AtomicTimeSync XP
The program is a Time Synchronization Utility to synchronize your PC via the internet. It supports the 12 and 24 hours time format as well as all time zones. You can define an individual time offset and it works through Firewalls and proxy servers.
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dfg BackUp XP
The best, award winning backup solution for nearly all backup medias. Unlimited backup profiles, ZIP compression, file&directory synchronization, FTP&eMail backup,file&directory filters, encryption, advanced search&restore, scheduler,
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dfg ShutDown XP
PC shut down,time sync.,disk cleaning,PC protection and automation utility. It will time control and automatically shutdown, restart or log off your system. Optionally it will run as a NTservice. Many other built in functions. 12/24 hour time format.
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dfg ChessExpert XP
It is a friendly chess partner for beginners to professionals. It is considered one of the most reliable tactical programs. The operation is clear and simple, while at the same time giving you a large number of options for computer chess.
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dfg StockAlert XP
Receive free of charge real time data from stock exchanges. Receive an alert message (eMail, SMS on the cellular/handy phone) when stock values exceeds or drops below the certain limit. You will be informed of market movements when you need to be.
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