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EasyEx absent planner Publisher
Image the absent-time of your employee graphically with Ms Excel.
Publisher: EasyEx
Website: http://www.easy-ex.de/excel_download.htm
About Publisher: EasyEx
EasyEx develops: EasyEx invoicing : Create invoices and delivery notes.
; EasyEx html mail : Send professional e-mails in html form.
; EasyEx Projectplanner : Illustrate your project graphically
; EasyEx absent planner : Image the absent-time of your employee ..
All Products from EasyEx
EasyEx invoicing
No need to create a customer account for low-value/infrequent customers. No need to create a article master data for a one time settlement. Professionally designed invoice layouts. 2 different invoice types and shipping notes.
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EasyEx html mail
Send professional e-mails in html form. Beside the text you can send up to 250 files as enclosure. You can address each partner of course individually. Use this software for example of supplier inquiries.
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EasyEx Projectplanner
Illustrate your project graphically in Ms Excel. You are able to indicate a fix period, or with formulas as [ = today()-14 ] a variable period. Administrate clearly the data of the resources. Avoid bottlenecks with critical path scheduling ..
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EasyEx absent planner
Image the absent-time of your employee graphically with Ms Excel. You can the indicated period fix, or with formulas as [=today()-14 ] dependent on the current date to be represented. Moveable feasts or other special days can be also in-maintained ..
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