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HoursClocked Publisher
Time clock hours converter and calculator. Data can be 24 or 12 hour formats.
Publisher: Annabec, Inc.
Website: http://www.hoursclocked.com
About Publisher: Annabec, Inc.
Annabec, Inc. develops: Followup Secretary : Generates dates for sales follow up emails
; HoursClocked : Time clock hours converter and calculator.
All Products from Annabec, Inc.
Followup Secretary
With minimal client data, the program automatically generates up five dates for follow up emails. All dates avoid holidays and weekends. Each date for a client is color coded to indicate approaching dates, overdue letters and completed letters.
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Time clock hours converter and calculator. Data can be 24 or 12 hour formats. Both daily and weekly overtime limits can be set. High and low warning levels can be set for each clock in/out period. Prints results.
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