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Tiny calculator with 12 variables, 32 functions, unit conversion, deg/min/sec...
Publisher: J. Andrzej Wrotniak
Website: http://www.wrotniak.net
About Publisher: J. Andrzej Wrotniak
J. Andrzej Wrotniak develops: Statmaster : The simplest way to graph your data.
; Mr. Matt : Addictive logic puzzle, son of Boulderdash
; Uptime Snooper : Keeps track of your system uptime
; Kalkulator : The Mother of All Calculators, period.
; Midget : A tiny yet smart Windows calculator
All Products from J. Andrzej Wrotniak
Mr. Matt
Addictive puzzle game, similar to to Boulderdash; teen to adult; no gore or violence. Trial version includes 10 games (49 levels), registration offers over 500 extra games (2500 levels) and game editor. Sound effects, worldwide Hall of Champions.
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Advanced Sci/Eng calculator. Expression evaluation, 18 digits precision, variables, >100 functions, graphs, unit conversion, interpolation, polynomial regression, linear algebra, systems of linear, nonlinear and differential equations, optimizatio
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Tiny but smart calculator: just type in any expression, like "2+3/7.1-3sqr 5", and hit Enter; then modify it and evaluate again without re-entering everything. 18-digit precision, 30 functions, 12 memories, fractions, deg/min/sec, more!
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