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PDAcalc classic Publisher
General purpose graphical calculator for the palm, PocketPC and windows
Publisher: ADACS LLC
Website: http://www.adacs.com
About Publisher: ADACS LLC
ADACS LLC develops: CplxCalPro : Programmable graphicalcalculator for the palm
; PDAcalc units : AUTOMATICALLY convert between units
; PDAcalc classic : Graphical calculator for PDA's and windows.
; MtrxCal : Matrix calculator for the palm platform.
; PDAcalc matrix : Programmable matrix calculator for PDA's
All Products from ADACS LLC
CplxCalPro, CCP, is the most powerful programmable graphicalcalculator for the palm platform.CplxCalPro allows you to perform the most advanced calculations and function graphing without any programming.
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PDAcalc units
AUTOMATICALLY convert between units: 4in*5cm*3ft=>gal will calculate how many gallons a container with the given dimensions will hold. 110V*16A will automatically convert the result to Watts. Designed for PDA's but also runs on windows platforms.
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PDAcalc matrix
Programmable graphical matrix calculator for PDA's and windows. This program was especial designed for palm devices and the PocketPC but also runs on windows platforms. Using the windows makes writing and debugging scripts, when needed, very easy.
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Don't spent hours writing a program for some programmable calculator while MtrxCal can perform the same calculations with just a few simple lines. Don't waste time trying to find the right maximum and minimum values for plotting your functions.
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PDAcalc classic
General purpose programmable graphical calculator. This calculator is especially designed for the palm and PocketPC but also runs on windows platforms.
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