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Tiny Message Publisher
Tiny Message is a program allowing you to send messages as fast as possible.
Publisher: Ariolic Software
Website: http://www.messageexplorer.com
About Publisher: Ariolic Software
Ariolic Software develops: Ariolic NTPager : Useful and handy network messanger.
; Tiny Message : Tiny and quick message sender.
; Ariolic NetSend 9x : Useful network messages sender for Windows 9x
All Products from Ariolic Software
Ariolic PopupMe
Ariolic PopupMe is a small and useful message service for Windows 95/98 and Windows Me. It starts with Windows, receives all network messages for a user and shows them like the Messenger service on Windows NT/2000 systems.
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Ariolic NetSend 9x
With this small console utility you can send messages over your network
on Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000. Using of the program is similarly to the command
'net send' from Windows NT or Windows 2000, but Ariolic NetSend 9x has advanced
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Tiny Message
Tiny Message is a program allowing you to send network messages as fast as possible.
Using of it will be very comfortable if you have your own recent recipient list.
In that case you can set your shortcuts once and then just use it.
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Ariolic NTPager
Ariolic NTPager it is useful network messenger for Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems. It allows you to exchange messages with one user or several users of your network, using simple and handy interface.
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