Detailed Description of My Daily Planner 5.2.1
My Daily Planner 5.2.1 brings you a wonderful tool which allows you to keep track of any type of task that needs to be completed. These tasks can include school work or just a simple to-do-list. My Daily Planner even color-codes the task by the importance that you give it. The more important it is the brighter the color, thus making it stand out in the list.
My Daily Planner Major Features:
1. It was originally developed as a simple program for keeping track of school work that needed to be completed. The program design is made to be compact and easy to use.
2. There can be up to 12 tasks at a time in the list with information including the task description, due date, subject, and importance.
3. The whole task line will be color coded depending upon the task's importance.
4. Also included are sections for other notes, and appointments.
5. It is also easy to change the importance as the due date of the task nears.
6. My Daily Planner is not only about tasks though. There are also two other sections. One section is for writing simple notes about other things that do not exactly fall under a task or that need more than just one line of information. The other section is a meetings list.
My Daily Planner is designed for: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64
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