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CardFile Pegasus Publisher
This PIM has stood the test of time and can still handle your data storage needs
Publisher: PinderSoft
Website: http://www.pindersoft.com
About Publisher: PinderSoft
PinderSoft develops: ASL Logbook : Advanced Squad Leader database and organizer
; MiniNotes 2007 : MiniNotes is a 10 page text editor
; Writers Project Organizer : Organize your writing projects, from novels..
; WallPaperPlus : WallPaper Plus keeps your wallpaper dynamic.
; WhiteBoard PS : WhiteBoard PS - text utility for notes and...
All Products from PinderSoft
MiniNotes 2007
MiniNotes is a 10 page text editor to organize notes while you work at your desktop. It was originally designed as a software development tool, someplace where you could keep a multiple of text files organized while you work.But you can do more wi
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Floating Clock
Floating Clock PS is a freeware clock, calendar program designed to run on the top of your desktop. There are ten settings you can choose to run, from Long Date to Long Time and all the settings in between.
This is a no-thrills, no-frills program,
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Baseball Stats
Everything you wanted to know, and even information you did not know you needed to know, about professional baseball in America. Major League Baseball Stats gives you access to a complete and very comprehensive database covering all the aspects of pr
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ASL Logbook
ASL Logbook is a database program designed and developed for organizing and enhancing play of the Advanced Squad Leader game system. As every Grognard knows, the ASL game system can be a bit complex and overwhelming at times. 'The PS ASL Logbook'
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Lotto King
The Lotto King is your winning tool for playing and winning the lottery. This dynamite little program allows you to set and box a range of numbers, from a low of six to all forty-nine. And you can save your favorite numbers for future reference. Feat
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WallPaper Plus keeps your wallpaper dynamic and takes the hassle out of administering your desktop images. This windows utilities wallpaper changer keeps your desktop in a steady state of motion. Its undemanding features lets you change your wallpape
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Writers Project Organizer
Writers Project Organizer-ideal for novels, works of nonfiction, short stories and screenplays, from first draft to polished product. All the Organizer your writing needs...Writers Project Organizer is manuscript orientated software for writers. Writ
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CardFile PS Net
Keep your professional and personal data centralized and easy to retrieve with PinderSoft's CardFile PS Net - Professional Information Manager. From CD keys to business contacts to passwords, registration numbers and more, CardFile PS Net keeps your
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Birthday Organizer
Birthday reminder software for everyday!Stay informed of all upcoming dates, events, and special occasions with Birthday Organizer PS, the ultimate in date organizer software. Birthdays are important...Avoid the embarrassment of forgetting an impo
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Source Code Organizer PS
Source Code Organizer PS is your library for organizing and storing software source code. It doesn't matter what type of language you program in, Source Code Organizer PS will keep it safe and secure until you need to use it again. It has several
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Magazine Organizer PS Bombay
Organize your magazines, articles and subscriptions. Ideal for writers, authors, journalists, creative writers, columnists, freelance writers and researchers who want to store their data references in a sophisticated yet easy to use database. With
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WhiteBoard PS
WhiteBoard PS - this cool little utility is your own personal White Board. Write on it, mark it up. Scrawl down your notes and important things to do so when you're sitting at your monitor so you don't forget those things you got to do! Put it in you
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CardFile Pegasus
Cardfile Pegasus provides a safe and secure environment for your data . Use our professional data management system to secure your most important data, be it CD keys, passwords, telephone numbers, addresses, E-mail, screen names, website links, recip
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