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Efigio To Do List Publisher
Efigio To Do List software - become more productive and more organized
Publisher: Tiberiu Ghioca
Website: http://www.moosprojectviewer.com
About Publisher: Tiberiu Ghioca
Tiberiu Ghioca develops: Efigio To Do List : Efigio to do list organizer software download
; Efigio ToDo Organizer : Efigio todo list organizer software download
All Products from Tiberiu Ghioca
Efigio Personal Organizer
Efigio Personal Organizer helps you become more productive and more organized. List your daily ToDos, sort them by priority and work on them until they are completed.
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Efigio ToDo Organizer
Efigio ToDo Organizer helps you become more productive and more organized. List your daily ToDos, sort them by priority and work on them until they are completed. Set deadline reminders to make sure you are completing your work in time.
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