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Media Event Organizer Publisher
Media Event Organizer goes through and sort them your images.
Publisher: GearMage
Website: http://gearmage.com
About Publisher: GearMage
GearMage develops: Mail Attachment Downloader : It Downloads EMail attachments
; Media Event Organizer : Go through and sort them your images.
All Products from GearMage
Media Event Organizer
Ever been in a situation where you have collected tons and tons of jpeg image files (photos) and don't have the time to go through and sort them? Then Media Event Organizer is for you! Media Event Organizer v1.0 only supports JPEG format images/phot
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Mail Attachment Downloader
Mail Attachment Downloader downloads just the EMail attachments based on your search preference without downloading the actual mail itself. when using Mail Attachment Downloader, you can setup various filters to specify what you want to download.
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