Calendar 2000
Calendar 2000 is a small utility that will display a monthly calendar on the Windows desktop. The calendar is similar to the one found in most checkbooks. You can also define your own holidays and important dates.
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wAPI Monitor 2000
wAPI Monitor 2000 is a small utility that allows you to monitor the debugger messages sent by many MS Windows applications and utilities. Facilities are also included to add diagnostic output messages to any software project that you are developing
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Disk CleanUp 2000
Disk CleanUp is a small disk utility designed to clear previously deleted files. Deleting a file will normally just remove the file's directory entry, but the data itself still remains on the disk. CleanUp will eliminate the contents of these files.
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Unit Conversions 2000
Unit Conversions 2000 is a small utility that will allow you to quickly convert units of measure from one system to another. Facilities are included to convert various Lengths, Weights, Volumes, Areas, Density, Power and Scale measurements.
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FontShow 2000
FontShow is a small program useful for viewing and printing the TrueType fonts installed on your system. Options are included to display user-specified sample text in place of the normal font name and alphanumeric character set.
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Reminders 2000
Reminders is a small utility that provides a simple means of creating on-screen reminders for important events. Event reminders are triggered when the specified time and date occurs.
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Screen Loupe 2000
Screen Loupe is a small utility that displays a magnified view of whatever is beneath the mouse cursor, much like a jeweler's or printer's loupe. You can copy the contents of the Loupe window to the clipboard as well. The captured image can be pasted
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Error Messages for Windows
Error Messages for Windows is a small utility that will allow you to look up MS Windows error code numbers and display a descriptive message explaining what the numeric code actually means.
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DLL Show 2000
DLL Show is a small utility that displays a list of all running processes and their DLL dependencies. Click your mouse on a listed task or process to see the DLLs that process uses. DLL Show displays comprehensive information about running processes.
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NoteBook 2000
NoteBook is a small program useful for keeping short notes and lists. The main window displays a table of contents built from the first line of each notebook page. Double-click on an entry in this table to display and edit the specific note.
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Password Keeper 2000
Password Keeper is a small utility useful for storing your frequently used passwords. Password information can be stored, edited and printed with this easy to use program. Each password file that you create can contain up to 1000 account entries.
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TxEdit 2000
TxEdit is an easy to use ASCII text editor that makes a nice replacement for the standard MS Windows Notepad. Multiple documents can be edited using this MDI editor. TxEdit includes options to quickly find and replace text.
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WebTime 2000
WebTime is a small utility program that will synchronize your PC's internal clock with one of the several atomic clocks maintained by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology.
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RGB Editor 2000
RGB Editor is a small utility useful for selecting and creating RGB colors for graphics projects. The values of the red, green and blue components are displayed and easily transferred to your source code files. Custom colors can be defined and saved.
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Phantom Desktop Screen Saver
Phantom Desktop Screen Saver, when activated, hides all application windows, desktop icons and the MS Windows taskbar, replacing them with an empty desktop. This empty desktop can be the standard wallpaper image, or a custom bitmap.
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BattleStar 2000
BattleStar is a small single-player game similar to the classic BattleShip. The BattleStar game board is a 9x9x9 grid representing a 3-D galaxy. The galaxy contains 927 sectors, 60 of which contain enemy warships.
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BlowFish 2000
BlowFish is a small, easy to use, file encryption utility. Simply drag and drop files and folders to quickly protect your sensitive documents, and then enter an encryption key to encode and decode the files you want to protect from prying eyes.
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ToolBar 2000
ToolBar is a small utility that lets you launch your favorite programs from the Windows desktop. Click the left mouse button to launch an application or the right button to define a new ToolBar button. You can also drag and drop a file icons.
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MicroFTP 2000
MicroFTP 2000 is a free, easy-to-use FTP Client program that will allow you to quickly transfer files to and from any FTP web site. MicroFTP 2000 can also be used for web site creation and routine maintenance.
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MIRV 2000
Do you have computer tasks that you perform on a regular basis that require more than one program to be active on the desktop? If you do, then MIRV 2000 can help. MIRV 2000 can create custom lists of programs to be run as a group.
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File Shredder 2000
File Shredder is a small utility that will completely erase the contents of sensitive files and folders that you specify. Normal file deletion only removes a file's directory entry, but leaves the data contained in the file on your disk drive.
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File Editor 2000
FxEdit is a small file utility that allows you to view and modify binary files. You can search for specified hexadecimal and ASCII strings. Most commonly used menu commands are available on the application's toolbar ribbon.
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RRTrains 2000
RRTrains 2000 is a small program used to create a detailed inventory of your model railroad collection. RRTrains 2000 will record information about each locomotive and piece of rolling stock in your collection.
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Programmer`s IDE 2000
Programmer's IDE 2000 is a small utility that creates an integrated development environment (IDE) for C/C++ and Assembly language programs and libraries. Very useful for running MS DOS based development tools from MS Windows.
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Tray Tools 2000
Tray Tools allows you to place up to 24 program icons in the Taskbar Tray. Program icons that you place there can be launched by simply clicking your mouse on them. To add new programs or modify existing items click your mouse on the red toolbox.
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Lap Timer 2000
LapTimer 2000 is a small MS Windows program that will count and time laps on any scale slot car track. Laps are timed with 1/1000 of a second accuracy. Lap Timer 2000 includes interfaces for the Joystick, Parallel Printer, Keyboard and Serial port.
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Submit It 2000
Submit It 2000 is a small utility that will help automate the process of submitting shareware and freeware to software web sites on the World Wide Web. Submit It comes pre-configured for many of the major software web sites.
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Stay Live 2000
Does your Internet Service Provider drop your dial-up connection after what seems like only nanoseconds of account inactivity? Stay Live 2000 keeps your Internet Dial-Up Connection active and on-line by periodically sending a small TCP/IP packet.
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Crypto 2000
Crypto is a small, easy to use, file encryption utility. Simply drag and drop files and folders to quickly protect your sensitive documents, and then enter an encryption key to encode and decode the files you want to protect from prying eyes.
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Audition 2000
Audition is a small utility that will allow you to play sound files located in a disk directory. A play list is created of all sound files found in the selected folder. Sound files can be played individually, or the entire play list can be played.
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