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Reminder-Organizer Publisher
It's a advanced l and easy to uset PIM, that helps you plan your life.
Publisher: mSunSoftware
Website: http://www.msunsoftware.com/
About Publisher: mSunSoftware
mSunSoftware develops: macDiskCleaner : Use macDiskCleaner to keep clean your disks.
; Reminder-Organizer : It's a advanced and easy to use PIM.
; TmsDBTreeView : TmsDBTreeView it is a Database explorer.
All Products from mSunSoftware
macDiskCleaner is the program for deleting any files defined by the user. You can clean or all the 'My computer' at once, or only the one disk or folder. Algorithm of the searching is very rapid, so cleaning won't take much time.
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TmsDBTreeView represents a window that displays a hierarchical list of nodes, where each node is connected with the Database record. The component supports two types of the nodes: folders and files.
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It's a advanced and powerful PIM. The program can help you plan your business and private life. The program include next tools: a reminder, notebook, address book, passwords and calendar. This all is powerful, easy-to-use application.
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