Detailed Description of PCODO 2.0
PCODO is an universal count-up or count-down timer. Time elements are configurable and can also be displayed in decimal. The number of decimal places can be set. Different sizes are possible, up to huge full screen digits. The Background and labeling can be done freely with any graphical software.
After a timer ran down, the following actions can be configured:
*Display a message
*Play an audio file
*Start a program
The timer can automatically restart after running down, so cyclic procedures can be realized.
The timer is always oriented at the current time, so it "runs" even if the PC is switched off. Very long distances can be timed!
Time can be synchronized via Internet.
PCODO software is easy-to-use, each configuration option is explained where it appears. On the first page several example configurations can be set with one mouse click.
The timer window can be moved with the mouse, a single click on it opens the settings window. When the settings window is minimized, it disappears.
PCODO is designed for: WinOther,Win98,WinXP,Win2000,WinServer,WinVista
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