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Complete Time Tracking Professional Publisher
Easily track time for multiple staff, generate summary and detail reports.
Publisher: Backslash
Website: http://www.complete-time-tracking.com
About Publisher: Backslash
Backslash develops: Domain Name Pro : The most advanced domain name tool available.
; Complete Time Tracking Professional : Easily track staff time and generate reports.
; Complete Time Tracking Standard : Easily track your time and generate reports
All Products from Backslash
Domain Name Pro
Find the ultimate populadomain name using powerful brainstorming: automatic thesaurus, advanced word groups with positioning, search engine and link popularity, pattern search, Net Speak?, trademark searches, exporting, 500+ domains and more!
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Complete Time Tracking Professional
Easily track time for multiple staff and generate summary and detailed reports to screen and printer or export to file. Set hourly rates for time billing to custom categories and sub-categories such as customers, projects and tasks.
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Complete Time Tracking Standard
Easily track your time and generate summary and detailed reports to screen and printer or export to file. Set hourly rates for time billing to custom categories and subcategories such as customers, projects and tasks.
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