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Easy Sunday School Planner Publisher
A gift to all of the many teachers who teach Sunday School.
Publisher: RCL Software
Website: http://www.rclsoftware.com
About Publisher: RCL Software
RCL Software develops: Faith : FAITH Sunday School Evangelism ministry
; The Pastor's Study : A productivity tool for pastors.
; RCL Music Ministry : Manage the entire church music library
; Easy Sunday School Planner : A gift from RCL Software to Bible teachers.
; Media Library Manager : A complete system for a church's library.
All Products from RCL Software
Easy Sunday School Planner
The Easy Sunday School Planner is a gift from RCL Software to all of the many teachers who take of their time to prepare and teach a Bible study. We thank the Lord for giving us a talent that may contribute to the feeding and saving of souls.
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Document as much information as you need concerning each prospect and their family. Print out a data sheet for each prospect to use a reference and to maintain information. Record the results of each visit to use as a reference for the next visit.
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RCL Music Ministry
Manage the entire music library, the entire song collection regardless of recording medium, ensemble members, worship order for multiple performances with different ensemble, performance history of all ensembles, individuals, songs, and collections.
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Media Library Manager
Reserve and search, simple check-in & out, circulation history, print barcode on pocket label, maintain volunteers, optional member circulation, optional overdue fine, equipment Inventory, multi-user network, user level security.
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Media Library Catalog
A church library ministry can enter and maintain all of the information for any resource type. You define your resource type which allows you to search and print reports by resource. Define report codes based on the Dewey decimal system. Plus more!
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The Pastor`s Study
The Pastor's Study program was designed to maintain all his sermons. Add unlimited additional Bible references for each sermon. In addition maintain contacts, illustrations, counseling notes, a visitation diary, prayer list, expenses and more.
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