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Geowell Editor Publisher
GeoWell Editor - Prepare and edit GeoTracker GEOWELL files with ease.
Publisher: Porpoise Media
Website: http://www.porpoisemedia.com
About Publisher: Porpoise Media
Porpoise Media develops: Screen Grabber : Capture and print your screen's contents.
; Geowell Editor : Prepare GeoTracker GEOWELL files with ease.
; Well Logger : Draft soil boring and well construction logs.
All Products from Porpoise Media
Well Logger
Well Logger lets you create soil boring logs and well construction diagrams. Project engineers and geologists can use Well Logger on a laptop at the worksite to quickly complete necessary documentation -- usually during available drilling downtime.
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Screen Grabber
Easily capture and print your screen's contents and save the images to disk. Screen Grabber gives you the power to capture, print, and save entire screens and active windows. It's user configurable to give you flexible printing results.
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