Pocket PC Bulk SMS Program
Pocket PC bulk text messages sending tool easily send unlimited alert sms to national or international network based GSM CDMA mobile phones. Bulk sms broadcasting software safely create and broadcast all messages without any internet connection.
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Bulk SMS Program
PC to mobile bulk SMS sender program broadcast personalized text messages, job alerts, business information, news distribution etc in different languages (support Unicode character set) from computer system connected with windows based mobile phone.
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MS OneNote Password Recovery Software
Advanced onenote lost password unmask software easily restore all your electronic notes passwords in spite of any length or having supports to special characters. Onenote password revealer can rescue lost keys for OneNote notebooks (*.one files).
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PDA Investigation software
PDA investigation application extracts detail like SMS, registry records, contact numbers, model number, OS architecture, IMEI number and other relevant details. Smart phone forensic program supports PDA, Windows mobile, palmtop, handheld device.
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E-mail Password Recovery and Unmask
Internet explorer windows application password retrieval software retrieves recover fetch lost misplaced forgotten saved email, search engine account web form yahoo excel administrator passwords uncover crack unmask unhide auto complete string.
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Mobile Phone Investigation Software
Mobile phone forensic software with VC++ source code helps in investigation of cell phone and provides all general information like memory status in SIM and phone, phonebook entries, battery status, model number, signal quality, IMSI, IMEI number.
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MS Word Document Password Recovery
Word password exposure software helps user to restore secret code of password protected document files created in MS word 2007, XP, 2003, 2000 with file format doc, dot and docx. Utility instantly reveal read only or editing permission password.
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MS Excel Password Recovery Software
Microsoft office excel file password recovery software reveal missing code word used to open password protected excel document. Utility display secret code of xls, xla, xlsx, xlm file created in any office edition such as 97, 2000, 2003, XP and 2007.
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MySQL Database To MSSQL Converter Ex
MySQL database to MSSQL converter provides facility to migrate single or multiple table records of MySQL into MSSQL server. MySQL to MSSQL DB migration software easily converts complete database and saves converted file at user specified location.
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MSSQL DB to MySQL Migrator
Database migration utility provides an interface that allows the user to accurately transfer all or selected database tables created in MSSQL to MySQL db server. This database conversion tool supports all major versions of MSSQL server.
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MSN Explorer Password Rescue Tool
MSN explorer password recovery tool can retrieve and unmask all missing user ids passwords from MSN/Hotmail explorer and restore them to proper place. If you have forgotten your password don't worry you can regain it back using this software.
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Windows Network USB Drive Blocker
Windows network USB drive access blocking software is easy to use utility that can be used to monitor insertion and removal of removable devices in LAN PCs. Download USB port disabler software to restrict external media unauthorized access.
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Access to MySQL Conversion Tool
MS Access to MySQL data base converter tool effectively migrate number of or selected tables of any selected Access file into MySQL database record. Database migrator tool support all version of MS Access database including 2003, 2007.
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Hard Drive Cleaner Software
Data wiping program is a powerful tool that permanently removes secret and confidential data files and folders from your hard disk drive including temporary file, OS registry traces and network files to provide security from unauthorized use of data.
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Outlook Express Password Recovery Tool
Outlook express password recovery software recover forgotten lost misplaced passwords easily. Retrieval tool restore unmask login secret words. Software uncover unmask server types and address, user login key for all emails account of outlook express
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Yahoo Chat Archive Viewer
Yahoo messenger message archive recovery software can recover normal chat conversations and saves it in text or RTF file. Yahoo archive viewer easily decodes and view all private conference and mobile SMS messages that is stored on your computer.
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