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eBuddy for Mobile Publisher
All your MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, GTalk and Facebook buddies in buddylist!
Publisher: eBuddy
Website: http://www.ebuddy.com/
About Publisher: eBuddy
eBuddy develops: eBuddy : chat with all your friends, everywhere
; eBuddy for Mobile : chat with all your friends, everywhere
All Products from eBuddy
With eBuddy you can: chat with all your friends, everywhere. Send a picture, straight from your camera. You can set your personal message and take a brand new display picture. Always reach your friends.
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eBuddy for Mobile
With eBuddy you can: chat with all your friends, everywhere. Send a picture, straight from your camera. You can set your personal message and take a brand new display picture. Always reach your friends.
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