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Flashdeli (Flash Delivery) Publisher
Flashdeli LAN Messenger is an instant messaging system for your LAN or intranet.
Publisher: Softvoile
Website: http://softvoile.com/
About Publisher: Softvoile
Softvoile develops: LanDiscovery : LanDiscovery is a utility for browsing LANs.
; Flashdeli (Flash Delivery) : Flashdeli Messenger, an instant LAN Messenger
; FlashNote : Quick notes manager with any text information
; Blogspreading : Spread your blog around the world. Free tool.
; ConfigInspector : The utility for analyzing system information.
All Products from Softvoile
ConfigInspector displays the most important information about you system. The application possesses the same features as Windows XP task manager and much more!
ConfigInspector works under Windows 2000/XP/2003 only.
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FlashPaste Lite
FlashPaste lite is a free utility for making it easier to enter the frequently used text blocks: greetings, standard phrases, e-mail addresses, Internet addresses, logins/passwords, etc.
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FlashPaste Pro
FlashPaste Pro is an utility for making it easier to enter the frequently used text blocks: greetings, standard phrases, e-mail addresses, Internet addresses, logins/passwords, etc. You can use Macros. It actually inserts the text into any text box.
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Flashnote is just a rough copy for your quick work with any text information. You can always have it at
hand and you can damage it without hesitation if necessary. Try it and we hope
that you will get a true helper for your computer work.
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Virtual Teacher Screensaver
Are you one of millions out there who are trying to learn foreign language, but never have enough time? Get VTeacher a screensaver that displays words and phrases you are trying to learn and their translation. New product, 100% free to try!
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The program helps browsing your LAN, that consists of many computers.In the program you see the list of computers, present in the network, and the list of available 'shares' on specified computer.
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flash to dvd ,
flash 9 0 ,
flash gallery ,
flash themes ,
flash to mp3 ,
flash graber ,
flash to ppt ,
gif to flash