Purchase Order Business Software
PO management software create sales report, purchase report, item report and maintain record of company, product (sold or returned), buyer, supplier and other related person. Purchase order organizer program maintain financial transaction of company.
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MSI Installer to EXE Creator
MSI to EXE converter tool creates .exe setup file from existing Microsoft visual studio .net framework windows installer .msi files by a single mouse click without any changes in original functionality and structure in conversion process.
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Novell Data Recovery
Kernel for Novell, data recovery tool recovers inaccessible files and folders from corrupt volume(s) of a crashed, missing, corrupt, damaged, virus attacked novell traditional and NSS volumes.
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MS Outlook Password Recovery Software
MS outlook express password recovery software easily recovers forgotten misplaced passwords. Tool uncover unmask server types and address, lost user login keys for all email account of Microsoft outlook. Retrieval utility rescue login id secret words
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AOL Password Recovery Software
AOL email password unmask software to recover forgotten or lost password of web sites saved in internet explorer (in local password list), as well as AutoComplete strings. Restoration tool restore Cute FTP, Coffee Cup Free FTP Outlook passwords
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Sim Card Data Restoration Tool
SIM card data recovery software recovers complete phone book contact numbers with contact name and messages (Inbox, Outbox items) from corrupted sim card of mobile phone. Mobile phonebook backup tool supports all GSM 2G, 3G sim card's technologies.
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Memory Card data recovery Files Restore
compact flash multimedia memory card deleted files pictures data recovery repair restore software retrieve recover usb digital camera card SD mmc pda pocket pc cell phone mobile communicator chip media lost erased formatted photos video images
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Live Online Chat Software
Live assistance chat software is developed in ASP and provides full support with Ajax technology. Multi operator instant messaging tool offers fast and dedicated connections between support executives and online visitors or customers to solve queries
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Deleted Windows Partition Data Restore
Deleted NTFS Windows XP hard disk drive partition data recovery software restore file system volume repair rescue lost missing damaged Word Excel pictures photo undelete unformat formatted erased mbr master boot record mft master file partition table
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Corrupted Memory Stick Data Recovery
unerase memory stick pen drive data file folder MDB database excel XLS DOC jpg jpeg pictures word documents lost by system failure inaccessible undetectable drive hardware malfunction retrieve external storage media overwritten corrupted data tracks
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Inventory Accounting Software
Freeware accounting management software is designed to develop company financial stock details maintains product, party information. Application is fully password protected capable to generate hard prints of sales, bills, invoice, and ledger reports.
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Setup Creator Software
Setup installation creator tool makes executable files with several options for deciding wizard layout such as Product name, Company name, Copyright text, Folder path for setup installation, Product version and location in Menu group.
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Sony Memory Stick Files Salvage Tool
Multimedia memory card data retrieval software restores accidentally deleted pictures, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, riff and tiff formats images. Flash card data recovery tool rescue lost data from digital cameras, phones and PDA memory card devices.
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Live Support Chat Software
Single operator ASP script provides interaction between website visitors and company representatives. Live chat software supports the Unicode architecture and successfully runs on all websites those are hosted on Windows server with IIS 5.0.
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MSN Password Unmask Software
MSN explorer password revealer quickly decodes unreadable passwords hidden behind asterisk saved in multiple Hotmail accounts. Forgotten password restoration software supports all version of MSN messenger and windows operating system including Vista.
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Remote Keyboard Monitor Tool
PC surveillance software is advance screenshot taking program that store all keystrokes used for login, password, chat conversation, visited URLs and typed content of other documents (word, notepad) into secure encrypted password protected log file.
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Lotus Notes Contacts to Outlook
Export contact items of Lotus Notes to MS Outlook and MS Excel. Export contact items from names.nsf file
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Lotus Notes Calendar to Outlook
Export Calendar items of Lotus Notes to MS Outlook and MS Excel
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USB Memory Stick Data Recovery Software
Recover damaged usb pen drive memory stick storage media retrieve restore deleted data files word documents DOC excel MDB database XLS jpg pictures folders overwritten corrupted data lost due to system failure not detected inaccessible drive rescue
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Freeware MySQL to MSSQL Converter
Freeware database converter software uses command line parameter to convert database records from MySQL to MSSQL database server. Database migration utility converts primary keys, attributes etc accurately from MySQL to MSSQL without user interaction
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Microsoft Access Database Converter
Microsoft Access to MySQL conversion software provides simple and easy wizard style interface to migrate MS Access database server to MySQL database file format with all keys, schema, data types, values, indexes and constraints attributes etc.
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Employee Activities Monitoring Tool
Key logger software monitor every activity of employee family kids track keystroke and save in hidden log file. Utility run in invisible mode capture each key press, data, login, passwords. Tool record all typed keyboard character of any application
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iPod Recovery Utility
iPod shuffle data rescue utility fetch iTunes m4v m4p m4b audio mpg mpeg video files retrieve accidentally formatted apple mp3 songs pictures software restore deleted nano photos undetected mini m4a mp4 wav aif undelete corrupted images music
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Crashed Hard Disk Data Recovery
NTFS Windows XP hard disk drive partition data recovery software restore file system volume deleted data repair rescue lost damaged Word Excel pictures photos undelete unformat formatted erased mbr master boot record mft master file partition table
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NTFS Recovery Wizard
NTFS Recovery Wizard fixes NTFS hard drives and partitions. A simple wizard recovers lost and deleted files and restores problem-free disk operation in a few easy, automated steps. No need to know anything about the disks or file systems!
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Digital Camera Pictures Recovery
Recover deleted lost digital camera pictures photos video recovery repair fix corrupted damaged missing data avi midi mpeg quicktime wav usb drive mobile cell phone compact flash multimedia memory card retrieve audio file pocket pc handheld computer
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PC to Mobile SMS Software
Bulk SMS sending software used to send text messages and notification to all your national or international numbers. Application tool can send various alerts like job alert, business marketing and recruitment notification from PC to mobile phone.
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Undelete Digital Camera Photo
Undelete digital camera pictures restoration tool retrieves accidentally formatted lost photo, image, photograph, snap from corrupted memory card. Digital camera flash drive recovers damaged clip audio video data from Sony, Olympus, Canon and Nikon
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Barcode Label Creator
Barcode creation software produce barcode of all upper and lower case alphabets, number keys and special keys of keyboard using different barcode font files like code39, code11, code128 (SET A, B, C), Codabar, interleaved 2of5 barcode standard etc.
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Pro Duo Memory Stick Files Recovery Tool
Pro Duo memory stick recovery tool salvage deleted formatted digital pictures, image, wallpaper, audio video songs files folders from all USB memory card storage media including multimedia SD XD card, Flash drive, mobile communicator, pocket PC.
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