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OYCO Instant Messenger and VoIP Dialer Reviews
Chat on MSN, Yahoo!, AOL/ICQ and Gtalk from OYCO IM + OYCO VoIP Dialer
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Publisher's description of OYCO Instant Messenger and VoIP Dialer
OYCO IM is for anyone who needs: integration with GTalk, Yahoo!, MSN and AOL/ICQ; AES encryption on text chat (for OYCO-to-OYCO sessions); audio chat; video chat; file transmission across networks; multi-network chat; VoIP; cached history and lite mode. OYCO IM is not adware or spyware and is completely FREE. You can also sign up with OYCO.com for aggregated email, SMS, VoIP and Web IM, all on-line in one place for just $4.95/month or $58/year.
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