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TwitHaven for Windows Publisher
private, internal messaging system useful for sending short messages.
Publisher: Holymackerelsoftware
Website: http://www.holymackerelsoftware.com
About Publisher: Holymackerelsoftware
Holymackerelsoftware develops: TwitHaven for Windows : a shared Address Book of contacts (Clients) .
; TwitHaven for Mac : Sending short messages & attachments for Mac
; TwitHaven for Linux : Sending short messages and attachments
All Products from Holymackerelsoftware
TwitHaven for Linux
TwitHaven for Linux is a private, internal messaging system useful for sending short messages and attachments that can be optionally sent on to email and SMS networks. TwitHaven for Linux removes the complexities of email and SMS text systems.
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TwitHaven for Mac
TwitHaven for Mac is a private, internal messaging system useful for sending short messages & attachments that can be optionally sent on to email and SMS networks for Mac OS X. TwitHaven for Mac removes the complexities of email and SMS text systems.
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TwitHaven for Windows
TwitHaven for Windows is a private, internal messaging system useful for sending short messages and attachments that can be optionally sent on to email and SMS networks. It removes the complexities of email and SMS text systems.
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