...... Enjoy email marketing with RoboMail and explore more business opportunities.
RoboMail Mass Mail Software Feature List
* Email Template
* Multiple templates
* Built-in HTML editor
* Import HTML file as Email Content
* Email merged with recipient's info by multiple variables
* Multiple email attachment
* Edit HTML source code directly
* Address Book Management
* Multiple groups to organize customers
* Customer info can be imported from Excel, CSV or Text file
* Ten self-defined fields to store additional info of customer
* Process un-subscribe request & remove customer info automatically
* Sending & Logging
* Emails can be sent out immediately or in a scheduled time
* Adjustable sending speed
* Random sending time interval
* Sending Log file with success/fail status
RoboMail Mass Mail Software Advance Features:
* Built-in SMTP server
* Email Tracking to trace which recipients open the email
* Complete ......
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