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MailMailer Publisher
Compact easy to use server (web) based email mailer designed for small business.
Publisher: softSWOT
Website: http://www.softswot.com/
About Publisher: softSWOT
softSWOT develops: Investment Analysis Software : Easily analyze investment performance.
; Form1 Builder Software : Build secure web forms, no cgi required.
; MailMailer : Compact easy to use web based email mailer.
; XML Data Extractor Software : Extract Source file data automatically.
All Products from softSWOT
Form1 Builder Software
Form1 Builder runs in your web browser and allows you to easily build secure web forms. It applies the base Form1 structure to provide a single file form (no cgi) with a hidden email delivery address and an extensive range of benefits and options.
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Compact easy to use server (web) based email mailer. Send newsletters to your clients, contact your staff, send one email or many. All you need is a browser, and a web server that supports php scripting (included on most commercial servers).
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Investment Analysis Software
Easily analyze the performance of any investment to maximize returns. Compare and forecast investment performance, determine net worth and income streams, identify buy / sell indicators, make informed investment and retirement planning decisions.
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