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Rapid-Emailer Publisher
Fast email campaign manager. Anonymous Emailer with a Built-In SMTP Server.
Publisher: Absolute Futurity
Website: http://www.absolutefuturity.com
About Publisher: Absolute Futurity
Absolute Futurity develops: Rapid-Emailer : Fast email campaign manager. Built-In SMTP.
; POP-Stopper-IE : Best Popup Remover available.
; BBMonitor : Bandwidth speed test meter and monitor
; Speed Test Gadget : CPU and RAM usage Vista Sidebar Gadget
; Desktop-3D Notes : D3D is a 3D looking PC Sticky Notes software
All Products from Absolute Futurity
Desktop-3D Notes
Desktop-3D Notes (D3D) is a PC Sticky Notes software that is fully and individually customizable. You can send notes across the internet to all your friends. Change colors and fonts within each Note. You can also print your Notes. D3D is so fun!
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Best Popup Remover. Best popup blocking technology. Allows the use of CTRL-N, SHIFT-Click, and even Right-Click New Window. Allows multiple IE windows. Fully automated version updates. Stops websites from resizing your Internet Explorer.
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Speed Test Gadget
Speed Test is a meter that monitors your entire system. Mearuring CPU and RAM usage by itself and has the ability to test your Maximum Internet Speed (bandwidth), Website speeds, Hard Drive space and activity, Ping, WIFI, Battery, LAN,Upload,Download
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Bandwidth speed test meter and monitor. Testing your bandwidth with BBMonitor can be so easy and very efficient, recording your bandwidth test results in a database so you can create charts.
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Fast email campaign manager. Anonymous Emailer with a Built-In SMTP Server. Duplicate address removal, send alternative HTML and Text formats, allows attachments and embedded images, allows you to put each user info in each email automatically.
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