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Turbo Email Answer & Autoresponder Publisher
Template based interactive email reply tool & autoresponder with hotkey triggers
Publisher: Xellsoft Software
Website: http://www.xellsoft.com
About Publisher: Xellsoft Software
Xellsoft Software develops: Turbo Email Answer & Autoresponder : Email template-reply tool & autoresponder
; HarvEX Auction Sniper & Macro Bot (eBay) : eBay sniper, bulk search and macro automation
; SynchronEX File Synchronizer, Backup/FTP : File synchronizer, backup, FTP, DAV, ZIP
; Turbo Mailer : Bulk mail software and email list processor
All Products from Xellsoft Software
Turbo Mailer
Customizable software for sending out bulk email like newsletters or personalized marketing circulars. Features a powerful list manager, text personalization, HTML mail, embedded images, attachments, log files, parallel SMTP and an easy-to-use GUI.
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HarvEX Auction Sniper & Macro Bot (eBay)
All-in-one eBay auction sniper, auction tracker, bulk search and macro automation tool - for bidders and sellers. For advanced users HarvEX provides a built-in Python macro/script language and an extensive online auction related API.
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SynchronEX File Synchronizer, Backup/FTP
Robust multi-directional file tree synchronization and backup over local & network paths in any situation: From laptop synchronization to ZIP'ed backup to incremental FTP/DAV website upload. True synchronization of (re)moved files. Scheduled task
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Turbo Email Answer & Autoresponder
This software speeds up interactive email answering by smart text templates and also enables selective auto-response and mail forwarding. Puts reusable text snippets at your fingertips. Integrates with MS Outlook, Outlook Express, MAPI, POP/SMTP/IMAP
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