Software MIDI Keyboard Lite Guides - Operate your sound card MIDI synthesizer by means of an average PC keyboard and a mouse.
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1,121 KB
OS: Win XP 2000 ME 9X
MIDI Maestro MM4 Guides - Music software designed for use by amateur and professional music directors, conductors. And it is a powerful MIDI creator and editor.
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15,445 KB
OS: Win (r) XP Vista
Coding Workshop Ringtone Converter Guides
- It allows you to add new ringtones to your mobile or cellular phone whatever the make or model.
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6,400 KB
OS: Win 2K, XP, 2003
MIDI to MP3 Converter Guides
- It is designed to convert MIDI to MP3, convert MIDI to WAV. A built-in WAV to MP3 Converter included, so it can also convert WAV to MP3.
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1,257 KB
OS: Win 2K, XP, 2003
ChordComposer Guides
- Make music songs in computer with auto accompaniment and change the music file into MIDI file.
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2,261 KB
OS: Win 2K, XP, 2003
Able MIDI Editor Guides
- The basic functions of Able MIDI Editor are the capabilities of adding and deleting musical notes, adjusting the pitch and duration of notes, and playing back results.
Beatbox MIDI Drum Sequencer Guides
- This program is intended to make professional drum parts the later to be further used without additional changes at the studio of a sound recording company.
GetMIDI Guides
- This is a search tool for MIDI Files. It takes only a little disk space. And it is very easy to use. you can search the midi files that you want to get by artist name or song title.
HappyEO Pro Guides
- It turns your computer into an advanced Electric-Organ. A beginner can use it to learn musical theory and recognize score, an expert can use the it to play beautiful songs.
Microsing karaoke recorder Guides
- It records your voice while singing, process your voice with real time voice effects. And you can edit your voice and change effects, balance and mix it.
Best MIDI to MP3 Guides
- It is the ideal all-in-one tool to convert batches of MIDI files to WAV, MP3. As distinct from similar programs, it direct MIDI conversion employing no sound recording.
Coding Workshop Polyphonic Wizard Guides
- It allows you to add new ringtones, pictures and java applets (game) to your polyphonic phone without the need for cables or sms (text) services.
Ease Midi Converter Guides
- It can convert MIDI to MP3, WAV, OGG, WMA, AAC, FLAC, and APE in batch. It copies the audio digitally enabling you to make perfect copies of the original ones.
Fractal Tune Smithy Guides
- Play tunes as intricate as snowflakes. Choose one and transform it by varying the parameters to make it into your own tune.
MID Converter Guides
- Convert MIDI files to the most popular audio formats - MP3, WAV, OGG and WMA. And it can convert multiple MIDI formats - MIDI 0, MIDI 1, RIFF MIDI 0, RIFF MIDI 1.
Midi2Wav Recorder Guides
- Convert MIDI files to Wav/MP3 files and Record your singing from microphone with MIDI playback accompaniment.
Midi Maker Guides
- It is a complete bundle for constructing music files in the popular Midi format. With Midi, your songs will almost work on any system.
MIDI Quartet Guides
- Midi Quartet is a music composer, a digital 12-channel audio composer, synthesizer, editor, recording studio, and Player.
MIDI to WAV Maker Guides
- MIDI to WAV Maker is an easy to use tool to convert MIDI to WAV format with CD quality. You can burn the output wav file to CD easily by other tools.
MIDIoverLAN CP Guides
- It is a cross-platform program for communication between MIDI applications both local and over network.
MidiView Guides
- It is easy to misapprehend some songs when there's no notation at hand. MidiView will solve this problem. You can practice music using professional scores, printed or shown on the screen.
Mobile Music Polyphonic Guides
- It is a polyphonic ringtone composition and converting application. It can convert your favorite MP3 WAV and midi music to mobile phone polyphonic ringtone.
Pianito - MicroStudio Guides
- Pianito MicroStudio is an easy and funny piano synthesizer and drum machine sequencer with 24 tracks (8 percussion, 8 midi instruments, 8 wave FXs).
Software Midi Keyboard Guides
- It is great midi piano compatible with all sequencers, soundcards, and synth. You can play on your computer keyboard and mouse, as on midi keyboard.
TS-AudioToMIDI Guides
- TS-AudioToMIDI is a program developed for automated music recognition. It is able to both recognize pre-recorded audio files and perform on-fly recognition.
WaveToMidi Guides
- WaveToMidi is a program for Windows and Linux that analyzes the source audio file finding the musical notes played in this file and writing it to the destination midi file.
WIDI Recognition System pro Guides
- Convert a melody from mp3 to MIDI to make further editing possible (some MIDI editors can also print MIDI files in music notation).
XD Mastering Studio Guides
- XD Mastering Studio is a professional midifile editor which lets you customize standard midi files into Ketron format, thus using 100% of your keyboard's sound power.
iType Music Guides
- iTypeMusic is a brilliant new software program that gives anybody who can type, the ability to play music by simply following letters appearing on the computer monitor and typing them.
IntelliScore Polyphonic Guides
- Convert WAVE to MIDI, MP3 to MIDI, CD to MIDI. Compose MIDI music simply by singing or playing any instrument.
Cool Midi To Wav Mp3 Convertor Guides
- It is an easy-to-use tool for converting MIDI files to wav, mp3 format with CD quality. It supports MP3, WAV format.